Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So you say you want a resolution?

I resolve to reach my full potential as a sentient being this year. Perhaps I will even communicate with rabbits or asparagus. Failing that, I'll settle for losing five to fifty pounds (without ever finding it again).

2008 was not the best year of my life. I'll leave it at that. 2009 is bound to be better, even if the rabbits and asparagus misunderstand me or rat me out to Homeland Security. I suppose I should knock on wood at this point. Wasn't it Lincoln who said "This performance has got to be better than the crap we sat through last time"? But I'm just going to trust that what will be, will be better.

The pine trees were whooshing earlier this week up here in NW Wisconsin, but there's not much whooshing going on today. A good wind might even snap the noble evergreens. It's cold. What we call squirrel-freezin' weather. At least I call it that. To myself, mainly. I sure wouldn't want to be one of the furry rodents on a day like this. I don't care how many nuts you've put aside for the winter, there comes a time when nuts just aren't going to cut it.

I wonder what sort of resolutions the squirrels are making? "This year, fewer nuts, maybe a pair of mittens."

Our plans for the evening are decidedly modest. Monopoly with the kids, Rum Runners for New Year's Eve cheer, probably a roaring fire (if there's wood inside the house). There's no point in planning on a bigger bash. It's just another year, after all. There's been plenty of those. And there's nothing dangling over our heads in the way of impending doom, no Y2KIX to worry about that I know of. (Where'd we end up with 2K anyhow? Isn't it 2M?)

Tensions are running high in the living room. The (almost) 3-year-old is crying and the (almost) 12-year-old is aggravating the 8-year-old. The 41-year-old is sighing and giving every indication of needing gasket repair, soon. So I will conclude this entry here.

Happy New Year! Stay warm.